
Characteristics of SoroTouch

1.Acquiring Image Mental Calculation (Soroban-Method Mental Calculation)

Try the new mental calculation training method on an Tablet screen!
By using the concept of abacus, you will aquire the ability of "Image Mental Calculation" as a lifelong skill in a short amount of time!

After learning how to calculate faster and more accurately through the visible mode, students will begin to learn through invisible mode in which they imagine the beads lighting up in their minds. By practicing daily, "Image Mental Calculation" will become a sustaining tool to use lifelong.

By applying the 2000 year history of abacus onto the app, we hope students learn "image mental calculation" as quickly as possible. The mental calculation mode helps to strengthen imaging skills with the "on/off" button.


By using the two modes consecutively,
students will memorize and calculate using the "image calculation" method!

2.Learn While Having Fun!


Make your daily practice a habit with games and rankings!
Watch videos to learn how to do new problems and progress by completing missions every day!


With over 20 different kinds of games, any student can enjoy playing the games that matches their level. It helps strengthening their skills while having fun!
Your daily practice appears on the rankings of the following day. There are various rankings uploaded everyday. The comprehensive ranking list includes all students from all centers. Besides, there are other rankings done in different categories (i.e. "Early Riser" or "Highest Number of Missions Completed").
Find your name on the ranking list! This motivates students to compete with each other aiming for a higher position on the list.
Every new learning concept comes with an instructional video which makes it easy to understand for studetns. It allows them to learn individually at their own pace as much as they wish.

The curriculum consists of "24 Stages + Advanced"
Missions which contains a variety of math problems.

※Detailed curriculum is available here(PDF)

Through SoroTouch, students can achieve high level mental calculation in as quickly as 2 years with one simple task, by completing one mission daily. The difficulty level in each mission increases gradually in small steps. Besides, students can progress their learning through the self-customized system. The missions are automatically generated to provide past reviews that are best fitted for the student depending on their level.


In "Junior Stage," or "J-Stage," (12 Stages in total) students travel around different countries of the world setting out their journey from Japan. The following "Super Stage," or "S-Stage," is where the students travel through the solar system. Lastly, in the "Advanced Stage," or "U-Stage," students reach "Karumon Planet," where the aliens named Karumon lives. We try our best to make daily learning as enjoyable as possible for our students.

3.View Your Learning History!

All of the problems done in the app will be recorded under the "History" tab of the app. This allows students to review questions that they struggled with.
The ranking list shows where other students are in their studies.


SoroTouch keeps all records of learning history in the app. Each student can track where they are in their studies at real-time.
In the "History" tab of the app, students can view a detailed record of their learnings from the past week

Using this learning data, we constantly improve our curriculum that can better benefit each student.
We are also working on a collaborative research project with University of Tokyo Production Technology Institute starting in 2016. With the analysis of the learning history data, we are conducting research on short-term efficient mental arithmetic learning programs.

◎For more information on the project with Tokyo University, please  click here

Increase speed and imaging skills with the "two-hand method!"

The global standard "two-hand method," optimize
speed and imaging skills to its max capabilities.

Typing on the computer keyboard using one hand or two hands, which one is faster and more accurate?

By studying SoroTouch and the "two-hand method":
①The speed of calculation is 2x faster than using one hand
②By using both hands, both the left and right side brains are used and trained
③By moving both hands at the same time, the brain is better trained to retain memories
The merits of the brain training become more and more evident as one gets better at mental calculation with the "two-hand method."

Compare the same calculation using one hand and both hands!