User’s Voice Sakura (Grade2) Kai (K5)
Sakura (Grade2) Kai (K5)
Increased motivation with online classes! SoroTouch allows students to study by themrself, which reduces the burden on parents.
I went to an abacus class to try out, hoping that my daughter would become good at calculations, but most classes required daily attendance. However, I learned that Sorotouch allows students to study at home, whenever they like, so I decided to enroll. My daughter is busy doing her homework when she gets home from school, but since the classes are online, she is able to use her time effectively. As a parent, I don’t have to worry about picking up and dropping off my children, so I can do housework while they are taking online classes, which is very helpful.
Receiving reward meals and badges motivated me, and now it has become a daily routine to play SoroTouch every day. When I complete a mission, the result is displayed as gold, silver, or copper coins, but when I get a silver coin, I get frustrated and try again. Through SoroTouch, I have learned the importance of perseverance, the challenge of difficult problems, and the determination to not give up even when I make a mistake.
The older sister happily tells us that she was the fastest in the class when doing the 100 mental calculations that are given in every math class at school, and that she got all the answers right today. The younger brother, who attends a private kindergarten and has just started math classes, can now easily do addition and subtraction problems. Of course, their calculation skills have improved, but more than anything, I think it’s thanks to SoroTouch that they’ve both developed a love for math.