User’s Voice Kotoko(Grade3)

Center Students


The calculation skills and persistence skills learned through SoroTouch is a lifetime skills.

When my son was thinking about learning abacus to improve his calculation skills for school age, a friend’s mother introduced him to SoroTouch. He started out just to try it out, but he soon became engrossed. He seemed happy that he could use the tablet and progress like a game.

In other lessons, I often had conflicts with my daughter when I was giving her guidance and advice, which I think made her feel stressed. SoroTouch has many features that make it appealing to children to participate on their own, such as the reward system, rankings, and classroom events, and once the child got on track with their studies, there was no need for parents to encourage them. I think SoroTouch is revolutionary because it allows children to learn naturally and independently without much parental intervention, even at a young age like kindergarteners.

It took about a year and a half to clear the final stage, U12. A year has passed since then, but I am still studying U12 over and over again. This is to ensure that I do not forget the mental arithmetic skills I acquired over the course of about a year and a half, but rather to strengthen them and make them a lifelong skill. By participating in classroom events, I learned the importance of preparing for the real thing, and was able to improve my concentration during the actual thing. I also developed the habit of studying on my own every day, and I feel like my mind is working faster now. I believe that these will be skills that I will be able to use in the future.